Covey Inspection Services, PLLC

(972) 849-8549

Have me call you.

Auxiliary Inspections

My inspection standards exceed the standards of practice established by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) and I use thermal imaging on every inspection. Costs may vary depending upon the size and age of the property. Contact me for specific pricing that includes discounts for multiple inspection types.

Click here for a sample report.

Home Energy Inspection

As an existing homeowner, do you feel your utility bills are too high? You try to be conscience of turning off unused lights, keep the air conditioning in the summer time high and the heater in the winter low. There are multiple factors affecting your energy bill.

Do you know how much your utilities will be in a new home? As a home buyer, you may ask for copies of the sellers' recent bills and while that may give you an idea of what they were paying, it does not tell you why.

An energy inspection can reveal what is contributing to the cost and what can be done to reduce it.

During each inspection, an infrared camera is used to check a variety of things, including missing or inadequate insulation in the attic, and inadequate seals around doors and windows.


Roof Inspection

Here in north Texas, we occasionally experience hail storms, often accompanied by high winds, invariably leading to roof damage which, if unattended, will lead to water damaging your walls and ceiling. Following these storms are companies/individuals competing for your business to replace the roof.

Request a roof inspection to determine if you have damage. As a licensed insurance adjuster, I may recommend filing an insurance claim and give you free pointers regarding your policy.

If you have had your roof repaired or replaced, request an inspection to determine if it was done correctly.



To schedule an inspection, or just get some general information, you can contact me in any of the following ways:

11-Month Inspection

Did you purchase a home built within the past year? Most builders offer a 1-year warranty on the house. With an 11-month inspection, you can see what repairs should be done before the warranty expires.


Slab Deviation/Variance

Are you seeing cracks in your walls and ceiling? Are the doors and windows sticking? Your house may be shifting or settling. Is it getting worse year to year? We can maintain data, checking your house each year and show you if, and how, your house is still moving. Detailed reports are available showing each room's height compared to a central location. Digitally check slab variance, up to 1/5" over 200' radius.


Maintenance Inspection

How does your lifestyle affect your home? When we see something everyday, we often become oblivious to the damage until it's too late. Annual maintenance, or home check-up, inspections can help you see things that should be corrected.


Landlord Inspection

Discover what may potentially go wrong before a tenant moves in. Many tenants will not treat your property the same as you would if you were living there. As a result, things may break down more rapidly or they may not alert you when something needs to be repaired. You can help protect your investment by having an annual Maintenance Inspection. Also consider ordering a Home Energy Inspection that you can share with potential tenants so they know how much the utilities may cost each year.